Our life

Our life

Nichole Adams

I'm Nichole. My journey is simple I work and go to school to try and make the best life possible for a future family. I graduated with my RN license in May 2013. I now work as an RN across the valley hospitals in NICU, mom/baby and Pediatrics and Friday's Kids Respite. I love my career. I am blessed and honored to be able to care for my patients. I love absolutely anything outdoors, fishing, hunting, four wheeling, and horseback riding are amongst the favorites. I share my journey with one of the most amazing men I have the pleasure of calling mine, Alex. We have a life we are so proud of. Couldn't be happier with how things are turning out for us. With hard work I know the only place from here is up.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer time

Even though I don't lead a very exciting, well worth talking about life, I still enjoy every second of it. This summer for me has really been all about working and preparing myself for the long journey of Nursing school to start in Aug. And for those who don't know I have decided to attend Provo College and will graduate in May of 2013 with my RN Licensure. Even though getting my RN will not be the end of my schooling it still excites me that all my hard work payed off and I was accepted into 3 seperate school the first time I applied, and those of you who have ever done applications for a professional program know that this is something to be proud of, and trust me I am extremely PROUD of myself, and the people that have stood by me through all of it.
This summer ofcourse hasn't been all work, I enjoy the small things that I have been able to do this summer, like time spent with Mike and his family in Birdseye, riding my dirt bike, laying out, watching the rodeo, enjoying snow cone wednesdays, and ofcourse the freedom of not being in school for a few months :) Not to mention that everyday I go into work is a fun day. I am building such fun relationships with my co-workers and residents, I love it.
Mike and I also added a new addition to our lives.....His name is Mac

This little guy is ten weeks old and what a CUTIE!!! He loves his big brother Bear (the feelings aren't quite reciprocated....yet) and follows him around contantly. These two are what can turn my bad days into good ones. All in all this summer has been great!!! I have grown so much closer to Mike the last few months with all the major decisions I am throwing at him and can't say enough about how amazing my family is for a support system, I couldn't do it without them. And even though this year did not start out very good, I can still see the good coming my way and can count the many blessings thus far.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Queen of Kings

I promise this is the last of my Alaska posts, but I saved the best for last, the King Salmon that we caught. I had no idea what to expect, all Mike kept saying is that they were hard to catch and that they were close to double the size of the silvers last year, I WAS EXCITED!! The first couple of days I didn't even hook one, let alone land one. I was getting discouraged but no one else was catching either so I kept my head high. And now the stories begin...............
I FINALLY hooked into one the night of the camp trip but I chased the darn thing a freaking mile (exaggeration maybe a little) down the river, running on rocks and risking my life (haha) just to have the fish break the line. Leslie was so nice as to take this picture as I was walking back winded and sweating!!! GROSS I KNOW, but atleast you can see the dedication I had :)

Right after the tremendous fight with the first King I hooked into and lost I hooked into this one about 20 minutes later and landed the sucker!!! How excited I was because I almost lost it, and Mike even ended up diving onto and straddling the fish so it didn't get away. AMEN!!!
This was the first fish caught between all the girls and as you can tell we were having fun with him. We even named him Stanley haha, thanks Tahsh :)

FISH #2 (nameless)
                                            He weighed close to twenty pounds.

This night was one of the best fishing nights we had. Everyone that went had hooks in and almost everyone landed one. Donna's was the biggest fish caught that night, but all were really nice fish.

GIRL POWER!!! We had too much fun up there.

FISH #3 (Slammer) 
He weighed in at 27 Lbs and boy did I feel that when Mike and I were trying to land him. I got to say though fighting these fish made the experience that more worth while. It was a challenge and I loved every second of it.
Carol caught a fatty too!!! We had alot of fun and turned out to be the only two to catch one that morning.

Mike's Fish
FINALLY!!! The last night of fishing Mike caught a King. I was so SO happy for him because I had started feeling so bad that he didn't get to fish much because of me and all the girlies he was helping. Once again I have to say what A TROOPER he is. And what a sweetheart as well cause I don't know many men as selfless as this one. He is always putting himself out just to make sure others are having a good time. I feel like the luckiest girl to have one hell of a man to take care of me. He means the world to me.

Friday, July 1, 2011

More Alaskan Adventures

I am LOVING my time in Alaska. More then I even thought I would. Having an almost all girl trip is so much fun. Maybe Mike wouldn't agree but he is still a trooper. One of the days tourin around we decided to take a paddle boat around a huge lake. It was alot of fun cause why'll we were paddling around the float planes would come in and land right on the river, can't say that just happens everyday.

On monday night all of us decided we wanted to go camping out on the river. Mike and I had gone last year and we knew we just had to do it again this year.
OUr camping squad conisited of me, Tahsha, Leslie, Camille, and ofcourse Mike. (poor poor man). We had so much fun I cannot even describe the memory to give it  the justice that it deserves. My ab muscles were soar the next day from laughing so hard and so much. I love that when we were out there not one other thing mattered. I wasn't stressed about school, work or bills. The world had stopped and I was living in the laughter and the memory. What a lesson to learn the good way....I need to start taking time and experiencing life in this light more often cause this is what life is all about,
 Enjoying the time and company of friends and family.
This picture is by far my favorite of the whole trip. This was us the whole trip, we enjoyed eachothers company at all times. I have not laughed like this in probably years. What a blast girl friends are.

Our sweet one burner stove to boil our water for our MRE's

Camping buddies by the fire. Don't mind that this was taken about 11:30 at night and it's stil daylight.

Soul sista's. She is my right hook haha

Got to love when I can capture a REAL smile out of him. What can I say i fell in love with this face.